History of the American Flag

            People wonder if there is an origin for the flag and  PBS  states there is no origin for the flag. The reason this flag has gone from the "Liberty Tree" flag to the flag we us now is because for instance, states were added to the United States. Also in the beginning when The Stars and Stripes was made, the colors did not have meaning on the flag, according to this a website that states The Colors of the Flag.  Although when the Great Seal was made the colors did have significance. Now the flags colors have a meaning the white means purity and innocence, red signifies hardiness and valour, and the blue color signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The stars represent of course the number of states that the U.S. contains. I think the flag is trying to portray the meaning of the Country by saying we are strong and proud of our Country and want to show it to others. I say this because the meaning behind the colors of the flag show those two qualities I just mentioned above. There are different names for the U.S. flag like Old Glory, Flag of the United States, Stars and Stripes, "Star Spangled Banner." The Old Glory flag was named that because it was owned by William Driver who had the flag during the Civil War and it lasted throughout the whole war. I can not find a place where it says the flag is controversial it is shown as a positive symbol for national unity. The flag is used very carefully, the rules are mostly known by all of us in the U.S. For instance some rules for the flag are it can only be displayed from sunrise to sunset except for in bad weather. When a flag is hanging on a wall the stars must be upright and on the left corner. The flag must never touch the ground. Those are just some of the rules of the flag and most know these. 


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