What is culture? What is my culture?
As Merriam-Webster says "Culture is the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education."
Here is how I see American Culture it is complex. Yes, we have more rights than others especially in freedom of speech and religion, but there are consequences. Since we have more freedom there are more chances for you to fail and learn from your own mistakes, which is nice, at least for me. Also our culture is a little selfish, we like to get what we want how we want it. These may all sound bad, but they are not. It is actually wonderful since we have so much freedom we are able to be who we are and make our own decisions. Also we have the ability to get exactly what we want, like for instance if we want a certain house then we can go and make it in certain locations. We are also very competitive especially here in the south with football, but we are also competitive in the business world. Right now apple is fighting against Samsung for instance. We also love food in the U.S. but we love it a lot down here in the south. People eat all the time and we have plenty places around to eat as much as you would like. The U.S. is a lot of fun and I love the fact we have a lot of freedom and choice to make on our own!
In fact I have had some culture shock finding out about the things going on in the World. For instance the terrorist attacks in Iraq and Barcelona, that just doesn't happen here and I never think deeply about it, but people are being taken from their families and I feel like I'm in a lot of peace here in the U.S. Also how women are still treated poorly in other places but here in the U.S. we have the ability to do whatever a man does. It amazes me that there are so many worse things happening out of the U.S. Also how places in Africa people are starving and needing shelter. It catches me by surprise every time I think about it cause I can't imagine a community that is so in need of food that they are actually starving and dying from it. I always think to myself how blessed I am to have food available all the time and a roof to sleep under. So I have culture shock all the time when I think about places outside of the U.S. even though I have never been out of the U.S.
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