Thinking about Success

Ranking of importance (Luck, Hard work, skill, opportunity)

1. Hard Work
2. Opportunity
Image result for college student working3. Skill
4. Luck

Image result for opportunity      I ranked these four words like this because I believe the only way to fully reach success is by hard work. You must work hard to be able to do something effectively, you have to put a lot of time, effort, and money to be able to be successful at something. I kind of think about it as learning to walk. You don't magically just walk you put a lot of effort into it. You first learn how to crawl then learn how to stand up, then learn how to move your feet while standing. It takes a lot of time and work to be able to efficiently walk. I think of it exactly like that when trying to build success. It requires a lot of work and effort to become successful.
    Next I think opportunity is the next step towards success. While working hard you must then be able to make contacts with people and see if they will give you the opportunity to present what you have been building up no matter what it is. Also lets say your goal is to finish college with already having a decent job. You must work hard in your classes to get the opportunity to have the job.
Image result for skillImage result for luck     Next I think having skill is the next important part for success. After you have worked hard and had the opportunity to do something then you have to build up your skill for something. For instance if after college you got a job that is what you have studied for an amount of years at college, you will still have things to learn about. You have put in the work and become more knowledgeable in the field, you need to build up your skill in that work force for different aspects of the job.  
     Lastly luck is the least important part of being successful because sometimes you won't be lucky. The thing about luck is it doesn't happen to everyone. Some might be lucky in some areas and others might not be. Luck is not for certain and you can't count on it to be successful that is why I believe it is ranked last.


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