Gun Research

      According to New York Times,  the U.S. has 270 million guns and had 90 million mass shooters from the time of 1966-2012. No other country has more than 46 million guns and 18 million mass shooters. We have more guns than any other country and have had more mass shootings than any other countries. There were 13,286 people shot and killed by a gun in 2015, and 26,819 were injured by a gun the same year. Although that is a big number for amount of deaths done by guns there are more deaths done by cars, in 2016 there were 37,461 deaths by car. So more people die by car wrecks or getting hit by a car annually than by getting killed by a gun. 
        Also most of the mass shooters were white men but only 1/4 of them were actually mental ill according to Dr. Michael Stone. According to John Kruzel, "Under this definition, Mother Jones found that non-Hispanic white men have been responsible for 54 percent of mass shootings since August 1982." So over half of the mass killers have been white. I find this interesting and wonder what connects them to do such a horrible thing. Dr. Michael Stone also stated, About a quarter showed signs of depression and psychopathy — that is, hopelessness combined with a lack of remorse." The same New York Times that Dr. Michael Stone was featured on, also stated that the college student who killed 6 people in California was not diagnosed with anything. The therapist assumed he was either autistic or had emotional problems. He was then officially diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. The mass killers are said to not have mental illness, " They might have elements of paranoia, deep resentment or narcissism that are noticeable but don’t add up to a specific disorder, according to strict criteria." So most of the mass killers that have killed so many people were not diagnosed as mentally ill until later. So how can we not give them guns if they do not reportedly have a mental illness? 

        I find this very interesting since 3/4 of the mass shooters were not diagnosed as mentally ill. I have heard a lot of how we should make regulations to not give guns to the mental ill, but that would only help 1/4 of the mass shootings if any. I wonder what else we could do to stop these shootings from happening if over half of the shooters are not diagnosed as mentally ill. Also we have so many guns compared to other countries but I wonder if it is the gun problem or something else. It might be that white men have a higher chance of having a mental illness that can trigger these horrible events to occur. So we do not even know what the actual problems are but can look at certain statistics to see if there is a common ground we can cover and make regulations on.  


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