Post 1: Invitation

Invitation List and why:

Richard Nixon: The President when Watergate Scandal happened. I want to invite him because he was the whole cause of this scandal and is the one who should be questioned.

Carl Bernstein: One of the journalists who helped solve Watergate. I would like to invite him because he was a major part of the film and for solving the crime. I want him to be there so he can question everyone and get all the information needed and wanted to be the reporter of this fantastic event.

Bob Woodward: One of the journalists who helped solve Watergate. I also want to invite Bob because  he was another person who was a huge part of the film and scandal. I want him to question people, get the facts straight, and make it a little more chaotic. He will also be able to get the word out about this event since he is a reporter as well. He will enjoy this event a lot as well as Carl and they will make it a more fun interesting night since they are very passionate about this scandal.

Deep Throat (Mark Felt): Felt was the secret source for Bob Woodward to help solve the crime of Watergate. He worked in the FBI and knew all the details of what was happening and would report it to Bob. I want him to be a part of this event because he will know if the person is lying when they are being questioned. He will be able to claim his importance for solving this crime at the dinner.

James W. McCord: He was a security co-ordinator for the Republican National Committee and formally worked for the FBI and CIA. He was one of the robbers of this scandal. He will know all that is happening with what Nixon was doing and he was personally there when the robbery occurred. He was also the one who tapped the doors and claims he was pressured into pleading guilty. He also wrote a book about the Watergate Scandal and think it might add more suspense to this mystery because he is a lot more open then the other burglars. 

Virgilio R. Gonzales: He was a locksmith from Miami and was a refugee and went to Cuba right before Castro took over. He was one of the five burglars as well and he will also have information that will be needed to solve the crime and was personally in the Watergate building when the scandal happened. He is also very anti-Castro and thought what he did was completely okay and I think he will add a different perspective on the story for Ben and Bob to see. 

Frank A. Sturgis: He was a associate of Bernard Barker in Miami. He had some connections with the CIA and was a part of anti-castro activities. He was once again another burglar. He is a big part of this scandal and has connections with people that were a part of this. He will have helpful information and the journalists will want to hear what he has to say for the crime he did. 

Eugenio R. Martinez: He also worked for Bernard Barker in real estate business. He too had connection with the CIA and was anti-castro. He was a burglar of Watergate and will also have the nitty gritty details needed to solve the crime. He will also add a lot of suspense because he is known as a mysterious guy. 

Bernard L. Barker: He is the realtor in Miami. He was a part of the CIA as an operative. He is the connection of 2 of the burglars as they personally worked for him. All of the burglars have a connection with each other and will be questioned by the people above. He could be the major source for this crime considering he looks like the leader of the 4 other burglars. 


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