Post 2: Exhibit


The notes that Bob Woodward took about his encounter with Mark Felt (Deep Throat)
Why I chose this: I chose these notes because these are the notes that Bob typed about his encounter with Mark Felt. Felt was the reason that Bob and Carl figured out so much of the information needed through this very complicated trail. These notes include the key people of this operation. In these notes Bob is trying to connect the trail between Baldwin, Mitchell, and Hunt. He is also questioning why so many of these people should not of been hired because they had low reputations. This is when the questioning of people began and wonderment of what and who were involved in the Watergate scandal.

Notes about Watergate written by Woodward
Why I chose this: I chose to have these notes as well because this was the beginning of finding the product. This is when Bob and Carl figured out some of the names they needed to lead through the whole process of the crimes Nixon made. These notes are vital to the process of the investigation and the leading to people knowing what Nixon actually did.

The type of tapes that were in the White House recording President Nixon
Why I chose this: I chose to have these tapes in the exhibit because this was the piece of information that Nixon would not even give to the Supreme Court before they demanded it. This was the piece of evidence that held back American people from knowing what Nixon did. These are vital to the Watergate scandal and a piece of the mystery of it as well.

A Newspaper of Nixon resigning
Why I chose this: I chose the newspaper of when Nixon resigns because it shows how even when the President resigned he still did not take blame for the actions he did. He still said he was innocent, and that the job was not right for him anymore, just to escape the mess he made.

The tape of President Nixon's second Inaugural speech
Why I chose this: I chose this tape of Nixon's second Inaugural speech because this is close to the time that the Watergate scandal occurred. Obviously Nixon had already started this scandal before with the FBI and CIA, and it only built up from here.

A photograph of Bob, Carl, Ben, and Harry working on the investigation
Why I chose this: I chose this photograph because it shows the workers from Washington Press working together, writing papers on Watergate scandal. These were the people that helped to figure out the whole mystery of Watergate.

The typewriter that Bob and Carl helped solve and spread the work about the Watergate Scandal
Why I chose this: I chose to bring in the typewriter because this was the very piece of machinery that helped get out the word and evidence of the investigation. This was the typewriter that helped Nixon resign from being President any longer.

The door that was broken into at Watergate
Why I chose this: I chose to have this door in the exhibit because this was the reason that people figured out about how Nixon was lying to the citizens of America. If this break-in did not happen at Watergate then the lies that President Nixon told would not have been figured out as soon as it did.


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