Suffrage Movement
Arguments Against Women Having the Right to Vote:
There were some worries for women having the right to vote, some of them were owning of land. John Ray stated that if women had the right to vote then they would have a right to buy an have hold of property. J.B Sanford brought up an interesting argument that said there would be a loss of respect for a women because she would be on her own now. The homes of people could of also gotten thrown off because the women could leave the home and be on her own. The men were afraid of losing their wife and mother of their children.There were even arguments that the women could not handle the political issues if they had the right to vote. Allison Lange stated men said women would have little time to even worry about the political issues or upcoming elections because they would still be taking care of the home. Also she said that women could of doubled the electorate. J. B Sanford also mentioned that it was not only was it problem with bigger issues with land and such, but a lot of people didn't want the big change. They were used to women being in the homes and doing their motherly jobs. They did not want to change such a huge thing in mens lives.
I think these arguments were put up because men were afraid as to what would happen to them if this major thing happened. They were afraid to lose all of their power. Men did not want to lose their wife and it could easily happen if they had the right to vote because they would have power over them in a way. These arguments were said out of fear because of "what ifs".
Arguments for Women Having the Right to Vote:
New Zealand, said
These arguments for women having the right to vote were sometimes based on principle. Like women should have the right to vote because men do and deserve to also be respected. They were doing it for equal rights. Other times it was for selling of the idea of the amendment. Like when there was an argument that women could help with electing the correct candidate. They were just making some okay excuses as to why women should get the right to vote.
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