
Showing posts from January, 2018

Newspaper Research

Newspaper Research              I researched on two very different topics. I read a newspaper on Carnegie and how he used his wealth, and events he attended; and I read on what happened at the Homestead strike and the different point of views of different people during the strike. Both were very interesting to see the difference between wealth and people who are at poverty level. At the Homestead Strike there were people fighting for better wages and conditions because they couldn't provide enough for their family and could no longer work in the conditions they were in. On the other hand Carnegie was a very very wealthy man and he just spent his wealth on many things and his time at different events.              During the Homestead Strike there was a huge group of people on strike, so the government sent deputies to stop the chaos. They sent 124 deputes to stop the strikers. When they arrived the striker...

Thinking about Success

Ranking of importance (Luck, Hard work, skill, opportunity) 1. Hard Work 2. Opportunity 3. Skill 4. Luck       I ranked these four words like this because I believe the only way to fully reach success is by hard work. You must work hard to be able to do something effectively, you have to put a lot of time, effort, and money to be able to be successful at something. I kind of think about it as learning to walk. You don't magically just walk you put a lot of effort into it. You first learn how to crawl then learn how to stand up, then learn how to move your feet while standing. It takes a lot of time and work to be able to efficiently walk. I think of it exactly like that when trying to build success. It requires a lot of work and effort to become successful.     Next I think opportunity is the next step towards success. While working hard you must then be able to make contacts with people and see if they will give you the opportunity to present what you h...

Essay Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals Essay                           In the film, Smoke Signals , many stereotypes were presented but the characters in the movie learned how to overcome them and to own their pride of being a Native American. There were many stereotypes brought onto the characters Victor and Thomas while on their trip to Arizona. A big stereotype that was presented in the movie was that all Indians were alcoholics. Victor's father was an alcoholic, and there were many scenes of Native Americans who were drunk. Also an officer assumed that Victor caused a wreck by drinking and driving even though he had never drank a drop of alcohol before. Obviously not all Indians are alcoholics, even though that is a big problem in their society, and Victor gave pride of being Native American by denying that accusation.            Not only were stereotypes presented in the film, but the history between Ameri...

Thesis Smoke Signals

In what specific ways do the characters in the film, Smoke Signals, experience and struggle with circumstances and ideas having to do specifically with Native American History and Native American stereotypes?  And in what specific ways do the characters find power and meaning in their Native American history and cultural traditions? “Defensible” means you’d have to be prepared to support your thesis with specific evidence from the film “Responsive” means your thesis is clearly doing all the things this prompt is asking you to do.  Struggles and experiences having to do with Native American h istory Struggles and experiences having to do with Native American stereotypes Empowerment or identity/meaning making through Native American history  Empowerment or identity/meaning making cultural tradition Defensible: In the film, Smoke Signals , Thomas and Victor experienced being stereotyped throughout their whole trip to Arizona. They where ...